Hydrogen uses

Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier and can be used in many ways to support our renewable energy transformation.

By producing hydrogen from renewable sources like wind and solar, we will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and cut our carbon emissions.

There are many ways we will use renewable hydrogen in Queensland.

Power generation

Hydrogen can be used in gas turbines or fuel cells to generate electricity. This can be particularly useful during high demand periods.

An example of hydrogen supporting electricity supply is CS Energy’s Brigalow Peaking Power Plant at the Kogan Clean Energy Hub.


Hydrogen fuel cells offer an alternative to batteries for electric vehicles, especially where electrification may not be as feasible or efficient.

For example, hydrogen fuel cells could be suitable for heavy-duty transport like buses, trucks, trains and potentially even ships and aircraft.

Hydrogen fuel cells have a similar range and refuelling time to conventional fossil fuels.

Queensland businesses like Townsville Logistics and Emerald Coaches are starting to introduce hydrogen-fuelled vehicles into their fleets.

Industrial processes

Many industries, like steelmaking, refining and chemical production, require high heat above 1000 degrees Celsius. Renewable hydrogen can provide this heat without emitting carbon dioxide.

An example of renewable hydrogen providing high heat in Queensland is the Yarwun Hydrogen Calcination Pilot Demonstration Program in Gladstone. Rio Tinto and Sumitomo Corporation are using hydrogen to decarbonise the alumina refining process.

Energy storage

Hydrogen can be produced and stored during times of abundant renewable energy production, like on sunny or windy days. This stored hydrogen can then be converted back to electricity during periods of high demand.

Stanwell’s Central Queensland Renewable Hydrogen project in Gladstone will produce hydrogen and sell it to local and international customers.

Residential and commercial heating

Hydrogen can be used in boilers and heaters as a low-carbon alternative to natural gas.

It can be applied in existing gas infrastructure, and either blended with natural gas or used as a standalone fuel.

Approximately 770 homes and businesses across Gladstone will receive a hydrogen blend gas as part of the Hydrogen Park project.

Feedstock for chemical industry

Hydrogen is a key ingredient in the production of ammonia for fertilisers used in agriculture, and as a component of many household cleaning products.

Hydrogen is also used in various other chemical synthesis processes such as the production of sustainable fuels like renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel.

Using renewable hydrogen helps decarbonise the chemical industry.

The Han-Ho Hydrogen Hub in Abbot Point will use renewable hydrogen to produce up to 1.8 million tonnes of green ammonia per year.

Portable power

Fuel cells powered by hydrogen can be used as portable sources of electricity.

This form of portable power can be beneficial for remote locations, emergency power supplies or military applications.

Brisbane-based startup Endua is building large-scale hydrogen power banks to replace diesel generators.

Last updated
12 August 2024